HiloProbe is a biotechnology company founded 2016. The founders consist of a group of scientists, who have collaborated for more than 15 years in an academic setting, and produced high quality original research focusing on the development of clinically useful biomarkers for colorectal cancer.
The research has been focused on analysis of the regional lymph nodes in the abdomen surrounding the primary tumor in the colon. The reason is that the lymph node is the first site where metastasizing cancer cells will occur. We have now discovered a limited number of biomarkers that, when analyzed together, identify cancer cells in the lymph node and grade cancer cell aggressiveness i.e. their propensity to metastasize to distant sites. A product (ColoNode®) based on biomarker mRNA analysis has been developed. The aim is to establish ColoNode® on the market to save people´s lives and aid in the development of more efficient treatment of colorectal cancer.
We will give more cancer patients the opportunity to live.

Thomas Busch
Chairman of the Board
Board member since autumn 2018. Master in Biology GU and SU and an MBA at IHM business school. Has been working in the life Science industry in more than 30 years in various positions. As laboratory Engineer AZ Safety Assessment, in Sales, Product management and leading positions in distribution and direct sales companies.
Site Manager at Life Technologies Sweden 1994 -1999. CEO and part owner of Nordic Biolabs AB 2000 – 2022. Is also COB in red hot diagnostics AB since 2015, a company that facilitates the commercialization’s of scientist’s innovation in diagnostics and brings them to market.

Sten Hammarström
Board member since autumn 2018, a Swedish Ph. D. in Immunology at Stockholm University and Professor emeritus of Immunology at Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden. Active in research on colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease with focus on biomarkers and gene expression analysis for more than 40 years. Abbott award 1998.

Gudrun Lindmark
Board member since 2016, a Swedish M.D., Ph. D. in Surgery at Uppsala University. Active in clinical treatment and research in colorectal cancer. Involved in development of guidelines for treatment of colorectal cancer. Currently private practice in Malmö, recently adjungated Professor of Surgery, Lund University, Sweden.

Mattias Pettersson
Master of Science in Business and Economics at Umeå School of business and economics. Has for 20+ years been operating business in real estate commercial premises and housing and building material retailing. Investor in early-stage ventures for ten years and co-founder of three regional venture capital companies. Board member of a handful corporate boards in tech and finance companies.

Lina Olsson

Sten Hammarström
Scientific Officer

Gudrun Lindmark
Clinical Specialist

Marie-Louise Hammarström
Research and Development Specialist

Anne Israelsson
Product Specialist

Joel Blomqvist
Product Specialist

Sara Kero
Production Manager